Destination Asie, un voyage missionnaire en briques Lego !

Destination Asia, a missionary trip in Lego bricks!

The exhibition of the Foreign Missions of Paris

From November 30, 2024 to July 5, 2025, the MEP (Missions étrangères de Paris) are organizing an exhibition on the theme of Asia including guided tours, concerts and workshops and above all a wonderful cultural enrichment!

The MEP, players in intercultural, social and interreligious dialogue in Asia since 1658, invite you to venture through fourteen Lego brick models ranging from Japan to Madagascar, via China, Cambodia and even Indonesia!

Discover the wealth and diversity of historical, cultural and religious heritage of these many missionary countries, through a modern and intergenerational exhibition.

Alongside this exhibition, a charity shop will be set up and will offer items and artisanal products from associations that work with these populations, including Opportunity for Women.

Come and meet us at 128, Rue du Bac (75007) in Paris from Wednesday December 4 to 7 and from Wednesday December 11 to Saturday December 14, 2024, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and until 8 p.m. on Saturdays!

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