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With the help of our association, the ethnic groups of Southeast Asia that we support can promote the development of their local, sustainable and solidarity activities in their village. We want to act as an incubator so that they can meet their needs while preserving their cultures.

Our activity

In Asia

We have set up 8 weaving programs distributed between Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and Laos. With the help of the weavers, we have created catalogs of traditional patterns and take the time to structure the logistics, identify and select together the raw materials with the best socio-environmental compromise (cotton or polyester). If necessary, we help finance the equipment but also training and we support education, environment and empowerment projects in the villages.

In France

Our role is also to ensure the sustainability of activities and this involves business development via our various online sales platforms, communication and BtoB canvassing with the aim of making them known and helping them find customers.

How to help us?

You can buy our products but if you don't need it you can also give us a hand (one-off or longer-term volunteering), organize a sale, help make us known through networks (on Instagram You can share your products with #opportunityforwomenandme) and by word of mouth or give a little boost (via skills sponsorship or a service: communication, shooting, etc.).

Why donate?

Thanks to HelloAsso and International Impact You can now make a donation that will be tax-deductible and will support the 50 weavers who work every day to keep their culture alive! In this way, you will help to preserve a precious know-how passed down from generation to generation and to the empowerment of women.

Concretely, your donation will help finance :

  • the structuring of weaving programs (materials, identification of traditional patterns, weaving tests, creation of pattern catalogs, translation, business development)

  • training for weavers (technical, environmental, commercial, etc.) to lead to their autonomy and financial independence

  • the means of communication that are essential to help weavers find customers (videos, photos, social networks, etc.)

  • projects in villages following the needs identified through our local contacts (NGOs, weavers, etc.) to enable the integral development of ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia, particularly around the environment, education and empowerment

Keywords: aid, asia, donation, women, sharing, support, weavers, trendethics
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