Soutenir les femmes de nos programmes par un don

Support the women in our programs with a donation

Our association’s project for 2023? To continue to help women, and in particular Burmese weavers.

Thanks to your donations, we will be able to offer them training in plant dyeing and business development.

Photo: Lee Anh Tuan An Chi Em.

In 2022, thanks to your donations to Opportunity for Women, Lao weavers were able to receive training

professional in vegetable dye within their cooperative in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam.

You too, for 2023, make a gesture of solidarity!

Why donate? Answer in this video !

Donate to support the weavers

We are calling on you: offer the weavers training to improve their skills by making a donation to our association. Tax-free at 75%, a donation of 100 euros will only cost you 25 euros. Thank you for them!

Training in vegetable dyeing and professional development for weavers

In 2023, Opportunity for Women wishes to continue to help women, and in particular Burmese weavers as well as the 60 weavers from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam who dream of perpetuating their activity.

Our project? To offer them the opportunity to follow professional training in vegetable dyeing and business development.

What hope for Burmese weavers?

In December, the founders of the associative brands

Opportunity for Women and You nsone were guests of Radio Notre-Dame, on the microphone of the program Orient-Extrême, to talk in particular about the situation of women weavers in Burma .

Due to the political and social crises suffered by the country, this ancestral textile craft is all the more threatened. This is why these associative brands engaged in Southeast Asia are joining forces to safeguard this precious heritage. Together, they encourage the development of the activity of Burmese weaving cooperatives and sewing workshops. Their ethical and supportive action allows many women to access training, stable employment and a fair income.

Opportunity for Women cushions and Youn Sone woven placemats and

hand-dyed with plants by Burmese weavers.

The Kayan ethnic group is an ethnic minority found near Loikaw in eastern Burma and has its own culture.

Weaving is a traditional skill, passed down from mother to daughter for generations. Opportunity for Women supports women by providing them with work that pays them fairly.

The profits from the association go to the women and help improve their daily lives.

A Kayan weaver spins cotton by hand on her spinning wheel

Spools of cotton thread dyed with plants in Loikaw, Burma.

Opportunity for Women thanks everyone who will support the weavers of Southeast Asia and wishes everyone a wonderful end to 2022, as well as the best for 2023!

Keywords: 2023, Asia, Burma, crisis, donation, training, solidarity, dyeing, vegetable dyeing, weaving, weavers, ecology

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