All about Pi Mai, the Lao New Year

Every year Laos celebrates its traditional Buddhist New Year festival between April 14 and 16, 2021 .

On occasion, Laotians celebrate for 3 days, Pi Mai , the arrival of spring , the transition from a hot and dry season to a rainy season. Certain rituals are practiced in order to chase away evil spirits and start the year with good karma and surrounded by good spirits.

Marianne, an MEP volunteer who went to Laos to help develop the Luang Prabang weaving center ( Deaf&Mute ) and design the Patakalo cushion collections , tells us more about the festivities she was lucky enough to attend in 2019 and kindly shared her photos with us.

Pi's First Day But , a family time...

The first day is dedicated to family. People who have left their village usually return to their loved ones to celebrate Pimai with them, gathered around a large meal.

At menu , many festive dishes . weaving center, the young girls share good fish, chicken as well as spring rolls, rice noodles and a plate of salad leaves, not forgetting the traditional sticky rice and exceptionally steamed rice! For dessert, seasonal fruits are served like mangoes or clementines but also sour fruits which are very popular.

Lao New Year Traditions

The traditions of Pi Mai are part of a purification process linked to Buddhism, but all Laotians: Christians, animists ... celebrate Pimai with some adaptations according to their beliefs. One of the rituals practiced is Baci , which takes place during important events in the life of a Laotian.

On the banks of the Mekong or a river you will be able to observe stupa constructions (representation of Buddha of Indian origin). It is a solid architectural construction that can be made of earth, bricks or stones, the one built during Pii Mai is generally made of sand at the water's edge. Birds are released from their cages or fish are released into rivers to start the year with a good deed.

Don't be surprised to see the Laotians pour water on each other but also on you! It is a sign of purification which would allow protective spirits to wash away past misfortunes and accompany the new year.

For this festive time of year, The dress code for the past few years has been the floral shirt !

In every village, processions celebrate this new year.

An incredible parade takes place in the streets , letting floats wander that the Laotians water by hand or with bottles of water. First, the monks, the dancers, the misses (from the Miss Pimai election) and finally, the representatives of the village parade.

A special market is set up where clothes and water guns are sold. Restaurants remain open to welcome friends and family who like to get together for a drink or a good meal!

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