The weavers of Buon Ma Thuot are now equipped with glasses
In 2019, 10 women from the Ede ethnic group in central Vietnam, near Buon Ma Thuot, wanted to redevelop weaving with Opportunity for Women. However, weaving requires a lot of precision and the women needed glasses, which is why Opportunity for Women decided to offer them a pair each. This will facilitate the development of their local business.
On the right, the 10 women of the cooperative wear their new glasses!
We present to you: Ami Tia, Ami Car, Ami Xuan, Ami Juel, Ami Hyut, Ami Ysor, Aduon Kieu, Aduon Ythu, Ami Hnoar, Aduon Ypong.
Among the Ede, when you have children and grandchildren, you take their name: mother of (Ami in Ede) or grandmother of (Aduon in Ede). The Ede are a matriarchal society, the man goes to live in his wife's family.
They live in Buon A Le A, near Buon Me Thuot. "Buon" means "village" in the Ede language. Women have an "H" in front of their name (to pronounce "Heu") and a "Y" for men.