
Agriculture urbaine au Myanmar

Urban Agriculture in Myanmar

Check out John's project: Urban Agriculture in Yangon, Myanmar!

Urban Agriculture in Myanmar

Check out John's project: Urban Agriculture in Yangon, Myanmar!

Découvrez le projet Ecoprinting

Discover the Ecoprinting project

Come and meet Noe Noe and her Eco-printing project funded by Opportunity for Women

Discover the Ecoprinting project

Come and meet Noe Noe and her Eco-printing project funded by Opportunity for Women

Au mariage de Julia, fondatrice de Youn Sone

At the wedding of Julia, founder of Youn Sone

A look back at the wedding of Julia, our coordinator in Myanmar, and her husband John!

At the wedding of Julia, founder of Youn Sone

A look back at the wedding of Julia, our coordinator in Myanmar, and her husband John!

L'histoire de Julia du Myanmar

Julia's Story from Myanmar

8 years ago, Julia Naw dreamed of creating a social enterprise that could help young people, like her! Here is his testimony: Young people in my country are looking for...

Julia's Story from Myanmar

8 years ago, Julia Naw dreamed of creating a social enterprise that could help young people, like her! Here is his testimony: Young people in my country are looking for...

Youn Sone

Youn Sone

YounSone is a sewing workshop in Yangon (capital of Myanmar) which highlights fabrics from different ethnic groups: Kachin, Kayar, Chin, Naga, Rahkine and Shan.

Youn Sone

YounSone is a sewing workshop in Yangon (capital of Myanmar) which highlights fabrics from different ethnic groups: Kachin, Kayar, Chin, Naga, Rahkine and Shan.

La couture en Birmanie avec Younsone

Sewing in Burma with Younsone

Younsone is a Burmese social enterprise. In 2019, Julia Naw took the risk to realize her dream that she had been nurturing for 7 years: to create a social enterprise...

Sewing in Burma with Younsone

Younsone is a Burmese social enterprise. In 2019, Julia Naw took the risk to realize her dream that she had been nurturing for 7 years: to create a social enterprise...

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