La couture avec le centre Deaf and Mute au Laos

Sewing with the Deaf and Mute Center in Laos


Deaf and Mute as a sewing center - Luang Prabang, Laos

In Laos, the covers are woven and sewn in the same place! Let's continue to meet the different places where our cushion covers are sewn. We choose these places based on opportunities and proximity to the weaving place.

The show The eye and the hand offers us a journey to the heart of Laos in the weaving training center for deaf and hard of hearing girls with whom we work. In Luang Prabang, Phout, 14 years old, opens up to us about her silent and movement-filled daily life!


What is the Deaf and Mute Center?

This center is located in Luang Prabang, in the north of Laos, it is a home for deaf and hard of hearing girls. This group of about ten girls learns to to read, to write, to speak sign language, but also to discover friendship and learn a trade. It is a place of fulfillment where strong bonds are created. This opportunity to benefit from education adapted to their disability allows them to find a place in society and appreciate the feeling of existing. It is a space where projects and dreams have a place.


What is our connection with the Deaf and Mute centre?

Our association Opportunity for Women acts as a incubator for the ethnic groups of South East Asia by supporting them to develop local, sustainable and artisanal activities . It is for this purpose that we work with this center which, in addition to school education, holds a place in the teaching a craft: weaving. These young girls learn weaving methods with agility and patience. They assemble these fabrics to form the cushion covers of the Luang Prabang collection.

Phout weaving

How to support this center?

The weaving work carried out by the young girls of the home and their teacher, is aimed at making cushions. The money collected by the sale of these goes back to them to finance the activities of the center. Do not hesitate to go and have a look at our site .

SAthid TrendEthics weaving

To see with the eyes!

You can find through this documentary the images of the daily life of these young girls by following our guide Phout. Your ears will be put to rest for a full experience in the universe of silence. Do not hesitate to observe the dance of the hands, ultimately very used for many tasks: speaking, eating, weaving, cooking, exclaiming, and so many other things ...

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