The Dokmai collection labeled by La Belle Empreinte, the responsible label

La Belle Empreinte, the guide to responsible shopping

La Belle Empreinte is a comprehensive label based on a solid methodology to assess the full impact of a product. Ecology, health, jobs and quality are taken into account throughout the production chain and the life of the product.

The goal is to have a robust label to allow consumers to find their way around and choose a truly responsible product (not a cushion woven in Asia with French linen and underpaid weavers)!

Prioritize key challenges for a more eco-responsible product

La Belle Empreinte supported Opportunity for Women to identify priority risks for people and the earth, particularly raw materials and traceability! To address this, Opportunity for Women decided to set up quality and environmental impact training to raise awareness among weavers and support them in adopting good reflexes (for example, raw materials traceability table).

A labeled collection: Dokmai

This first study focused on the Dokmai cushion collection , whose cotton is grown in the region, spun by hand , dyed with plants and then woven in the traditional way. Among the three levels of labeling, trendethics obtained the 'Committed Brand' level:

  • a strong commitment around the labeled object

  • many of the key challenges have been addressed

Find the in-depth study on the impact of cushions on the La Belle Empreinte website .

Next steps

In the Na Sang 1 cooperative , where this collection of cushions is woven, the next step is to replant cotton (in April or May) with local seeds, without applying chemicals! A commitment from the weavers is currently being signed.

The interior of the polyester cushions, made in Jura, may be improved to be more environmentally friendly.

In the longer term, Opportunity for Women hopes that other collections will be labeled!

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